Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cucumber Limeade

Hello, most refreshing, cool, tart, healthy, summer beverage. 

This is most likely my favorite coffeeless, summer drink. I was first introduced to it at New World Cafe in downtown Des Moines. New World is a vegan cafe that is only about 2 years old. I'm not vegan but I do love this place. They have an amazing 
A(vocado) L(ettuce) T(omato) sandwich with a mushroom patty and homemade mustard.
And their cucumber limeade is made just for you, nothing premade! It's ridiculously fresh. Go check it out. You can manage one meal without animal product, trust me.

now for the usual second paragraph insert of my Bible reading.
I am still working on memorizing Colossians 3. I'm up to verse 7! I'll add 5-7, as a previous post has verses 1-4. 
"Therefore, put to death what belongs to your worldly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desire, and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God comes on the disobedient, and you once walked in these things when you were living in them." 
There are more things from our worldly nature listed later that we are also to put off. 
This is a constant job and fairly frustrating to work on. Putting to death the old man or worldly nature is not possible without the Holy Spirit, but thankfully He is faithful to help us. He wants to see us shove these things off and put on the attributes that are like His. 

Sorry if the Bible reading seems random. It's mostly for my own accountability. Hopefully I find ways to make it flow a little better with the rest of the post. But I refuse to do cheesy, fake transitions, so there it is:)
The more yellow and light green, the more juice!

My glass has now been long empty. I polish it off fast and write slow...
I figured this couldn't be too hard to replicate so I kinda guessed on the process. I looked up other recipes on Pinterest to see how many limes and cucumbers to use and went from there. 

Like my Iowa towel backdrop!? colors were great!

For this tall glass, I used one good size cucumber and 1 1/2 limes. I had one good lime and one difficult guy so juicing took a while. I pureed them with about a 1/2 cup of water and a tiny scoop of Stevia extract to cut some of the sourness.

Any suggestions for how to recycle lime-flavored cucumber pulp?

This part takes some patience. Straining the mush and waiting for all the good juice to come through is a bit slow. A cheesecloth would work well but I don't have one so a metal strainer did the job. 
And that's it other than clean up. Yes, I did clean up my counter Mom!
Plop in an ice cube and enjoy:)

1 peeled cucumber
juice of 1-2 limes
1/2 cup water
add sweetener of choice according to taste

Peel the cucumber and cut it small enough to blend well in a blender or food processor. 
(I use a Ninja) juice the limes and add it to the processor. Pour in a 1/2 cup of water and blend until smooth. Pour into a strainer and strain juice into a glass or pitcher. Add honey, stevia, or even sugar to cut back some of the sourness. 

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