Monday, June 16, 2014

Coffee Love 3 Ways - French Press

I think it's funny that my blog title, the percolator, is not actually one of the ways I make coffee. I know some who still use that method, I've just never tried it, nor do I have the old-fashioned coffee making machine. I think of it as a general term for all coffee brewing systems. There are many and every coffee brewer has their favorite. Hopefully, I've caught someone's interest by featuring their favorite brew method today, the french press.

As I take my precious time reading through the Bible in a year, I read smaller portions of the New Testament along with my Old Testament reading. Which makes sense. Do you remember how many books are in the Old Testament and New Testament? Yes, 39 and 27. So I've read Genesis-2 Chronicles, Job-Song of Solomon, and Matthew-Luke.
Luke 8 includes the parable of the sower which represents the Gospel being spread and how people respond to it differently. There is no way for me to know how others will respond to hearing God's word. I'm pretty wimpy when it comes talking about Christ. I have to trust God to use His word and not avoid bringing Him into my conversations. I'm super grateful God turned me into good ground to accept the Gospel!

French Press.
This method is not for those who can't take strong coffee. I have yet to make a weak french press. I've (sadly) had a weak pourover and weak auto drip, but never a tea-like press. This is simply because of the way the french press works. 

I start with a coarse ground coffee because I don't want the coffee sediment (or sludge-like grounds) to pour into my mug. Larger grounds are easier for the filter to hold back. 
Some presses have a measuring line on the glass which is super handy! I have one without (shown in pics) but my best friend has one with so I like to use hers for accuracy. Yay for being roommates with your best friend! 
If you're making it without the measurements, you can measure in a similar way to making it in your auto coffee pot. I like it strong so I go with one tablespoon per cup. Yep, one per cup:)
I let my water boil and pour it over right away.

Love the crema up top!
Make sure all the grounds are wet and then let it steep for 3-5 minutes, depending on how strong you prefer it. 
Also, I like to clarify the difference between strong and bold. This is a pet peeve of mine so bear with me. 
The strength of your coffee has nothing to do with the roast! You can make the weakest coffee on the planet with a dark roast. The strength comes with your water to coffee ratio. More coffee grounds = stronger coffee. 
Now, bold coffee flavor can come with a dark roast. Darker roasts have a bold flavor but you are tasting the roast more than the bean. If you have a light roast, you are tasting the bean more. I love a medium or med/light because I want both worlds in my cup:)
Make sense? Just trying to guide you as you taste and shop for coffee so you can be an educated coffee drinker.
Stepping off soapbox...

Once the grounds have steeped long enough, slowly press the filter down and pour into your mug of choice! Yep, I even provided visuals for this part!

Love this mug!

Still munching on my granola muffins!

Beware, the beverage you are about to enjoy is very hot!

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