Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Coffee Love 3 Ways - Cold Brew (plus creamer)

And finally, iced coffee. It's getting more and more summer-like outside here in Iowa. Warm, humid, and stormy. This should be a refreshing morning or afternoon beverage for you as I've also included a coconut-almond creamer recipe! 

I'm in the middle of reading about King Jehosaphat. He followed God as his father did but for some reason, teamed up with King Ahab to secure continued success. Ahab became a poor influence as he didn't worship God. Jehosaphat listens to rebuke from Jehu later and depends on God for success again. As I look ahead, it seems that Jeho (surely his friends shortened his name, right?), was easily influenced by the people around him. 
I have wonderful people in my life, but I do have to be careful to keep God's truth as my standard and not popular opinion.

Coarse, medium roast grounds!
Cold brew is really simple but you have to be patient and let it steep long enough. I ground up about 10+ Tablespoons of coffee and put them in a large tupperware container.

Wet all grounds with cold water. About 8 cups of water in there. Put the lid on and let it steep overnight or around 8 hours. 

My messy workstation. 
Now to strain the grounds out. I use a metal strainer thing...clearly I don't know what it's called. My strainer is good but doesn't keep everything back which is why I grind larger, coarse grounds. It's a messy job. If you keep a clean counter while pouring this, kudos to you! 
Store in a pitcher or jar and refrigerate.

Now for the bonus creamer, because I don't know many coffee drinkers who drink straight iced coffee. Even those of us who only take their mug black seem to like a little milk or cream in their iced coffee.  



Four ingredients. That's all. 
Measure, blend, and pour.

Mason jars make for such cute storage!
Keep in the fridge and shake before using. 

Coconut-Almond Creamer:
1 cup coconut cream
1 cup almond milk 
(I used unsweetened but you can use sweetened or vanilla)
1.5 teaspoons almond extract
2 tiny scoops of stevia extract

Blend all ingredients in a blender or processor. These measurements did fill up my jar in the picture above with a little extra! You can change it up as you like. Might want to make it lighter with coconut milk rather than cream. You can add some cocoa powder for an Almond Joy style creamer! 

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