Thursday, June 12, 2014

Coconut Curry Chicken Stir-Fry

I haven't always been a fan of curry or coconut but I guess in my aging my taste buds have grown up too. It's been a good change. I love twice the veggies I did in high school, which opens up so many more dishes for me to love and cook!

I continued reading in 2 Chronicles today about King Rehoboam and his reign following his father, Solomon. Right away I noticed that Rehoboam didn't learn from his father very well. Wisdom was lacking. Israel had requested that he lighten up on the demanding workload Solomon had given them. Rehoboam asked a few elders and a few friends he had grown up with what he should do. The elders said to show mercy and his friends said the opposite. He was smart to get different opinions but he chose to listen to his friends and show no mercy. This caused Israel to rebel and divide. 
Even when we don't want to, it usually makes sense to listen to those with more life experience. Older believers have gone through more and tend to be more mature than the young. I am grateful I have fellow believers to go to for wisdom who know more than I. 

Oh, there is good stuff in there. Sugar snap peas, red pepper, and broccoli. Healthy, crunchy goodness. 
Stir-fry is an easy option for a fast supper and a great way to get a serving or two of veggies. I don't often use recipes for stir fry unless I need guidance on the sauce. I made this one up with inspiration from
This gal has a really nice blog and is great to follow on Pinterest! 

The coconut idea was also from Pinterest browsing. I wanted to try out coconut cream. I'd used coconut milk before and figured this would as well. 
I'm so glad I learned to like coconut. It's a good fat that your body can process better than vegetable oil or canola oil. It is a great option for cooking at high temperatures because it is a medium-chain fatty acid (longer chains take more energy to break down). Vegetable oils turn rancid at above-medium heat which is a decomposition of fat and makes it hazardous to the body. There are many helpful facts about oils and sugar from Maximized Living. It's a super informative book that will clue you in to what you are really eating.

Anyway, here is the beautiful coconut cream. It's thick and rich just like the can says! Crazy! I was licking it off my fingers...which is why I don't cook for crowds:) 

I used one whole chicken breast and seasoned it before cooking. I also don't like to overcook my veggies. They should still be green when done and be slightly tender. This keeps the flavor and nutrients. You can modify what you add and how much of which spices. Make it spicy if you like, try it with red curry...whatever suits you!

Makeshift Recipe:
1 whole chicken breast
one head of broccoli
2 cups sugar snap peas (remove ends)
one red pepper (or other color)
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1/4 cup coconut cream

Cut chicken into cubes and season with mixture of spices according to taste (more curry than the others). Heat one tablespoon of coconut oil in a skillet and cook chicken. Don't cook chicken completely as it will cook further once the veggies are added. Remove chicken and add another tablespoon of coconut oil. Saute vegetables for a couple of minutes or until they turn a deep green. Add the chicken back to the pan and scoop in the coconut cream. Keep the skillet at a medium/low heat to keep from scorching the cream. Add more spices as needed. If you need a starch, serve with rice or a better grain would be quinoa!

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