Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fabulous Salmon

So, remember the maple cream I mentioned last time?! Well, I used it today in my own recipe creation and I was super happy with it! I love when healthy food tastes this good. I will admit that with eating healthy comes a few sacrifices. I do eat junk food periodically and some of it makes me feel gross. Pop is one. I used to love pop but now it's just syrup-y and weird. Ice cream on the other hand is still amazing in small portions:)
Tonight's meal was quite healthy and tasted fabulous!

This isn't so much about what I read today but about one of the songs that keeps popping up on my ipod shuffle. Rend Collective (Experiment) is my favorite group of musicians right now. I got to see them about two years ago along with Tenth Avenue North and then saw them for their own concert back in February. You should give them a listen if you haven't yet!
The song I want to share is "Love Divine". No, this is not a song original with them but I love their version. They are such an authentic group and makes focused worship easy. They have taken other hymns and rewritten them in a modern way. This one keeps the words but switches up the music a bit.
Some of my favorite lines from it are:
"Take away the love of sinning, Alpha and Omega be" - isn't it sad that we do love sinning but we hate it at the same time. Just like Paul talks about in Romans. Our hatred of sin isn't enough to keep us from it, only our love for God.
"Finish, then, Thy new creation, Pure and spotless let us be, Let us see Thy great salvation, Perfectly restored in Thee, Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee
Lost in wonder, love and praise"
Yep, the whole last verse. This is life with an eternal focus. We are His new creation and He is guiding us to live pure lives. Then one day we get to stand before him, "lost in wonder, love, and praise."

I took pics last minute. Actually, I took them after I had already taken a few bites. Just consider it proof that I eat my own food:)
The green beans are from my sister's garden. I decided to pick them for her during the rain. It was really nice though to be out in the cool rain since I had been inside with my nephews most of the day. I love hanging out with them but I need to get outside too.
Now, I must include a fair warning. The glaze has alcohol in it. It's a whopping 2 tablespoons so don't get concerned. It's bourbon whiskey and it will keep for a long time so just find other recipes to help use it up such as bourbon chicken.


2 Salmon filets
salt and pepper
2 tablespoons bourbon whiskey
1/4 cup cranberry juice
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 tablespoon maple cream (or just use maple syrup)
Green beans:
2 cups fresh green beans
1 tablespoon butter
salt and pepper to taste

Combine bourbon, cranberry juice and maple syrup in a sauce pan. Stir and let it come to a boil. Turn down heat and let sit until salmon is ready for it.
Turn the broiler on high and season salmon with salt and pepper. Place the salmon under the broiler for 3-4 minutes. Pour about 2 tablespoons of the glaze over each filet and place back under the broiler. Once the glaze has absorbed a bit, use a spoon or knife to spread the maple glaze over the salmon (1/2 tablespoon per filet). Give it one more minute under the broiler and then it should be ready! I don't like salmon over cooked so mine wasn't in the oven any longer than 7 minutes. 

Because multitasking is awesome, you can saute your green beans in a skillet while all this is happening. Just place butter in the pan first, add green beans and then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Saute for 7-8 minutes depending on how soft you like your veggies!

This is the source for the maple cream. They have other products you can look at as well!

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