Thursday, June 11, 2015

Kale Chips

It's healthy post time! Aren't you excited!? I really do love kale chips though. I actually found myself trying to munch on Lay's but just wasn't enjoying them. Maybe it was the fried/oily taste that just didn't attract me, I don't know but I'm okay with it.
The foodie bullies out there like to poke fun at healthy things like kale chips and quinoa. But, we foodies can take confidence in our heart healthy choices, knowing we feel better for it. (And it means we don't have much guilt when we cheat;)

There are a few popular types of kale and this one is my favorite! It's called dinosaur kale! Well, its real name is Lacianto kale but it is also known as dinosaur kale which is awesome. It's a sweeter version that works wonderfully for chips. Other kinds are curly and red russian. Curly is the easiest to find but I think is the most bitter. Red russian I've only found at the Farmer's Market and I like best for salad because of its taste and softer texture. You can probably find all kinds at Whole Foods but it's not my usual grocery store. 

The end of James 5 is focused on prayer. "The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect." Elijah was just like us and he was able to ask God to stop the rain and He did. I don't see that kind of request being applicable for me but I really do need to be more fervent in prayer and faith. I was really excited to read this passage because I saw God answer a really simple request yesterday. It challenged me to not be wimpy in my prayer. Prayer does need to be guided by chapter five and James 4:3 "You ask and don't receive because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your evil desires." So, no asking for random, large sums of money for myself...

So, those four leaves of kale that take up an entire baking sheet...yeah I ate all of them. In one sitting. They're a little addicting. Enjoy!

Kale Chips

Lacianto (dinosaur) kale with main rib removed
olive oil

Preheat oven to 325° F. Cut center ribs away from kale leaves. Place parchment paper on baking sheet. Lay out kale leaves and brush with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and put in the oven. Make chips for 10-11 minutes but keep an eye on them so make sure they aren't turning brown. When they are done, then you can easily cut them or break them into smaller chips. 

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