Thursday, July 3, 2014

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Ok, this July weather is strange yet wonderful! I would normally expect to be swimming the humidity and heat during the 4th but tomorrow is going to be beautiful! Fair warning though, forecast says the humidity will be on its way back come Saturday and Sunday. In light of that news, here is a simple and delicious smoothie recipe for you to cool off with!

Luke 16:15 "You are the ones who justify yourselves in the sight of others, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly admired by people is revolting in God's sight."
Jesus' words to the Pharisees were strong. The Pharisees were lovers of money and thought they could serve both God and money. Jesus called them out on their mixed priorities. But this love of money isn't just their struggle, it can be a struggle for anyone.

Moving costs money even when you are just renting. I was again reminded of that as I moved last week. I was challenged a bit to keep my focus on eternal things and not material. I would love to buy the nicest things for the new apartment but that can't happen. By God's grace I can be content with my cute place!

I froze some avocados a while ago because I knew I wouldn't use them before they were overripe. Freezing them is simple, just slice them and peel off the skin, put them in a Ziploc and you're set.
They are great in a smoothie because they thicken it up and add a healthy fat!

Produce is on sale a lot in the summer so this is a great way to use berries, bananas, peaches, whatever you please. I had strawberries that needed to be eaten so I threw 5 large ones in here, a ripe banana, some strawberry greek yogurt, and almond milk. It was great and I have more of the same ingredients to make another one tomorrow!

Strawberry Banana Smoothie
4-5 ice cubes
1 ripe banana
5-6  whole strawberries
1/4 cup strawberry greek yogurt
1/2 frozen avocado (frozen part is optional)
splash of almond milk (might have been 1/4 cup)

Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth and pour! Mine was a bit chunky still but I like them that way.

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