Friday, July 17, 2015

Two-in-one PB&J

There are days in my laid-back summer when I don't feel like putting much effort into my single serving lunches. I'm home alone at lunch so anything goes, right? 
I grew up on PB&J. I mean mom made good meals all the time but a great easy lunch was just the kid favorite sandwich. I used to make my own version of a peanut butter sandwich that was, in my opinion, awesome. I still want it sometimes. I would cover two slices of bread with pb, put slices of banana on one side, and then sprinkle Honey Nut Cherrios or Frosted Cherrios on the other side. Smoosh the bread slices together and enjoy! It has flavor, texture, and simplicity. You and the kids will like it, just like this new version of PB&J I created!

I'm reading through the book of John now and it's making me think about how new and non-traditional Jesus' teaching seemed to the Jewish people. Jesus didn't come like they expected and for him to say he was God's son sounded crazy to them. It did take some great faith to trust what Jesus said and believe that his miracles were from God. 
The disciples had that faith. They followed Jesus when others turned away. I love what Simon Peter says in 7:68 "Lord, who will we go to?You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that You are the Holy One of God."
This reveals their sincere belief in Jesus as the Messiah. Through being with Him and listening to His teaching they "came to believe and know" Him. Isn't this true for all of us? We hear and are taught by God's word and our faith grows. Fortunately, we don't stop learning from God's word no matter how many times we've studied it. He will always teach us and challenge our hearts. 

I have a few weaknesses when I go grocery shopping. I love saying yes to ice cream pints and cereal. I love buying new foods to try even when the price is a bit high. I'll splurge once in a while just to try something different. 
I did some good budget work and compared prices of a normally high-price item; almond butter. I checked out Target's prices and Trader Joe's. They both have a 16 oz jar for $7.99. I went with Trader Joe's because it looked smoother than Target's. I'm guessing places like Costco have a larger size at a good price if you want a better deal. 
So, have you tried almond butter? It's so different. It's smoother than natural peanut butter and has a milder taste. It's a pretty good sub for pb if you are allergic but they are not interchangeable for me. I will always love peanut butter and forever be grateful that I'm not allergic to it!

And finally, my new experimental pb&j sandwich! I guess it should be titled pb, ab, ab, & j. Standing for peanut butter, almond butter, apple butter, and grape jelly. (which of these is not like the other?)
I thought the pb and grape jelly would pair well but grape and almond sounded like a bad idea. But doesn't apple and almond sound great!? So you get two sandwiches in one. Simple but fun!
I'm sure you don't need directions but just in case, you'll find them below;)

Two-in-one PB&J

2 slices of whole grain bread
peanut butter
almond butter
grape jelly
apple butter
glass of cold milk

1. Use one slice of bread for the nut butters and the other slice for the fruit spreads.
2. Spread the ingredients on so the peanut butter will be in one bit with the grape jelly, and the same for the almond butter and apple butter. 
3. Smoosh together and enjoy with a glass of milk! (Chocolate milk if you really need a treat!)

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