Monday, August 4, 2014

Perfect Shortbread!

I used to work at Panera Bread in Ankeny for about 3 years. I really enjoyed that job. I had great managers and some good co-workers. I also loved getting to know my customers and being able to get their order ready before they asked for it. I often opened for them which means I had to come in at 5am to get the bakery set up. The baker works overnight to get fresh baked product ready everyday. I love that Panera never sells day old product and donates the previous day's leftovers to food pantries. And one big perk to setting up the bakery is that I get to eat the baker's mistakes! For some reason, one particular baker broke shortbread cookies like once a week. This worked out great for me because I could take them home and munch on them later with some coffee, which is the only way to eat a shortbread cookie;) 
While perusing Pinterest, I found a shortbread cookie recipe that claimed to be very close to a Panera cookie. I tried it and it is super close! I'll give you the base recipe and then share with you a couple variations on it that are also tasty.

Espresso chocolate chip shortbread!
John 3 is a bit of dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus about why Jesus is there. Jesus has come to bring new life to those who will believe in Him. Most of us remember verse 16 as it summarizes how we come to have eternal life. We simply have to believe in Jesus as God's son, sent to die for us and provide a way to God. Jesus' death was how God showed us His love for us even as sinners who had done nothing for Him. Of course, believing in Jesus and choosing to truly follow him means we have to put off the old self with it's worldly nature. (That part isn't in John 3, I'm pulling in my memorized passages in Col. 3) It brings so much joy to replay in my mind what God has done for me! I have the promise of eternal life and so many other promises through Christ, I hope you do as well!
"The one who believes in the Son has eternal life, but the one who refuses to believe in the Son will not see life..."
"For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him."

I'll brag a bit, these are just great. I can't take much credit though as I am not the recipe inventor. I'd give the source but the site is no longer up:( I'm so glad I printed it off rather than just saving it on Pinterest!

Oh, these were an exciting creation! Imagine a Dutch letter meeting a shortbread cookie. Yep, that's what happened here and I love the combo!

There must be a way to include chocolate right?! These marry chocolate and espresso which makes perfect sense. They are soo good together!
-I'm just a little excited about all these cookies-

Basic Shortbread Recipe
makes 1 dozen

2 cups all-purpose unbleached flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 sticks unsalted butter softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

Whisk flour and salt together and set aside. 
Beat butter for a few minutes until it is light and fluffy. Add in the powdered sugar and vanilla and continue to beat. Add the flour and and salt mix until the ingredients are combined. The dough will come together when pressed.
Place the dough on a floured surface and shape into a log. Set in the fridge for at least an hour. 
Preheat the oven to 325° F once the hour is up. 
Take dough out of the fridge and make slices about a quarter of an inch. Place circles onto an ungreased baking sheet or one lined with parchment paper. Bake for 12-15 minutes. The tops will remain fairly light in color but you will see a golden brown on the bottom when done. 
Enjoy with coffee or alone!

For the Dutch Letter variety I simply added the almond filling on top of the cookie. My roommate had made some Dutch letters and had a lot of extra almond filling leftover and I thought this would be a good way to use it up. The almond filling is made of almond paste, sugar and egg whites. Here is a link for Dutch letters that explain how to make the filling

Here is the recipe for the espresso chocolate chip option! 
I have a little espresso maker so I simply pulled a shot of espresso for them but you could also just brew some strong coffee if you don't want to buy the espresso powder. 

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