Monday, December 22, 2014

Breakfast Crostini

Hello again! Yeah, it's been forever since I've been on here to post anything. This semester of teaching has gone quickly! It's been a fun semester though. I have great students and fellow teachers to work with. With teaching comes the great perk of Christmas break! I love my students but we all want our vacation time regardless of what our job is. So, I'm hanging out with the parentals in Creston for about 5 days. We're enjoying too much food, playing board games, watching movies, and just spending time together. 

My church is doing an advent series via a book called..."Behold the Lamb"'s not in front of me and I don't want to get up to look at the title. Anyway, it has 25 days of reading and has gone from Old Testament to New reviewing Israel's history and preparation for their (our) Messiah. It's a pretty simple read but it's just a good reflection on who God has used as part of the line of Jesus. Their individual stories are unique but all give glory to God by displaying great obedience and faith. Abraham standing out to me with all the tough decisions he made and how incredible that God counted his faith as righteousness to him. That early example of salvation through faith and not works is significant. His faith is recognized in Hebrews 11 and Romans 4 to help Gentiles understand that God wants our belief and trust to be in Him and not in our works. 

You'll have to forgive the low-quality pictures. I wasn't planning on blogging at home so I don't have the nice Canon to use. 

Anyway, I am dangerous in a grocery store. Dangerous to my bank account, not others, don't be concerned. If I don't have a list or a plan, I cave and buy the beautiful, less commonly used food items. I sort of justified it because I wasn't going to be buying groceries for a week and would be living off my parents for the holiday.  

Mom and I got to enjoy the breakfast crostini! Explanation: toasted baquette, brie cheese, lox (salted salmon), and an over easy egg. 
It was fabulous. Runny yolk over salty salmon and creamy just pairs so well!

Daniel and Clinton

I couldn't go without showing off these adorable little guys! 
We had the big Walker family Christmas on Saturday which was Jason and Clinton's first! They loved the paper and bows of course. 


Sorry, no recipe for how to get the cutest nephews ever but you can enjoy the pics at least.

Breakfast Crostini
-For two-

4 slices of baguette bread, toasted
two eggs, cooked over easy or medium, or hard
a few ounces of brie cheese
two slices of lox

This is really just a matter of assembly and very little cooking. I toasted the bread in a pan with a little butter. Spread the cheese on the toast.
-if you aren't familiar with brie, it is the consistency of cream cheese but not as sweet in flavor. 
Cut a slice of lox in two and place one on each slice of bread. Our bread was pretty small so you may want more lox depending on the bread. 
Cook the eggs for a few minutes at a medium heat until desired done-ness (if that's a word).
We placed the egg over 2 slices of bread and cut it, letting the yolk run over it all. So good! 