Thursday, May 29, 2014

Learning My Lesson with Prosciutto

I love trying out new foods! I watch food shows too much but they introduce me different food and give me an idea of how to cook them and what they go with. I see prosciutto periodically and figured it was a lot like bacon, just thinner. I was kind of right...
but before I get to the food details, I'd like to briefly mention what I've read in God's word today. I'm hoping to do this with every entry to help keep me accountable. Right now I'm working on memorizing Colossians 3. Yep, the whole chapter. Its really not that much but takes discipline from me which comes and goes. Mostly goes when I have no accountability. I've got 1-4 down pretty well! 

"So if you have been raised with the Messiah, seek what is above, where the Messiah is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on what is above, not on what is on the earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with the Messiah in God. When the Messiah who is your life is revealed, you also will be revealed with Him in glory."

You'll just have to trust me that I didn't just copy all that...thanks for thinking the best, but I did have to peek;) This is the Holman Christian Standard version which is not what I grew up reading so I am relearning some verses and I tend to mix them together.

Thanks for letting me share. Now, back to the food.

When I searched "prosciutto" on Pinterest I saw multiple pics of asparagus wrapped with prosciutto. I went with that because I love asparagus and it's in season! I also grated a touch of my favorite cheese - asiago - on the prosciutto before placing the asparagus spears on.

Sounds good so far!? I wrapped one piece of the meat around 2-3 spears of asparagus. All my ingredients were from Trader Joe's, my favorite grocery store here in the Des Moines metro. They have good produce, cleaner food options, the cheapest coconut oil, and lower prices all around! I could go on but I don't want to rabbit trail too much.

I could also have an entire entry on my love for cheese. I just might do that. Yeah, I like that idea! I would introduce you to a hidden treasure that is 
The Cheese Shop (local shop/restaurant). 

So this is what they look like after about 15 minutes in the oven. I also made salmon. That's kind of a side point to this. It was good but a little overdone. I seasoned it with lemon pepper. 
Oh, are you wondering how the prosciutto tasted? It was great! Really a great meat to use but sooo much saltier than I expected. Lesson learned was that prosciutto's salty factor is bold and less is more. If you want to make this, slice the prosciutto in half and wrap a couple spears in that. Should be a much better balance. A milder cheese would help as well. Asiago has a sharp flavor so it didn't counter the salty factor at all but added more tang to the dish.
Regardless of the saltiness, I was fed and it was a quick meal. It was fun to try and added to my culinary practice!

Good news, I have more prosciutto left so I get to try again soon! 
I'll let you know how it goes.

Process (not really a recipe)
Package of sliced prosciutto
1 lb of asparagus 
cheese of choice (go milder or creamy)

1. Slice prosciutto in half 
2. Grate or slice cheese onto prosciutto
3. Place 2 asparagus spears on prosciutto and wrap meat around asparagus
4. Place on lightly oiled baking sheet and cook for 15 min at 400° F